Tuesday, 18 September 2012

1- What were your expectations on starting the course?

I thought the course was more to do with fashion makeup but ewas happy to find out it also included Special Effects & Hairdressing

2- What are your initial thoughts on JWC and the media make up course

I think James Watt is a great college and the Media Makeup course is fun & interesting

3- What is your funniest moment of college so far
Seeing everyone with the stocking cap on in our wig class & everyones hair after the rollers being took out.

4- What is the most interesting thing you have learned or learned hot to do so far

The most interesting thing is learning how to do certain SFX makeup like cuts & bruises

5- Who is your make up idol?
My Makeup idol is Francesca Tolot as she is the makeup artist for alot of famous celebrities like Beyonce, Mila Kunis & Lindsay Lohan.

6- Why do you want to be a MUA?

I would love to be a MUA as I have always been interested in makeup and take time doing it on myself & would like to learn more about it.

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